| Orion Computer Consultants LtdComplaints ProcedureWe do our best to make sure that you will be happy with the services we provide. If, however, you find that you are not satisfied with one of our services, please make your complaint in writing, giving your name and contact information, details of the website, hosting, domain name or the specific service involved, as much information as you can about what went wrong and when, the name(s) of the person(s) you dealt with at Orion, why you are not satisfied and how you see the complaint being resolved to your satisfaction. Please send your complaint to our administration department via the contact page on this site, with the phrase FORMAL COMPLAINT in the message subject box. We will acknowledge your message, normally within one working day, and then investigate your complaint and get back to you as quickly as we can, but definitely with five working days. Our aim is to attempt to resolve all complaints within fifteen working days. If you're not happy with the way in which we resolve your complaint, then you can appeal, and we can use mediation to try to find an alternative solution.
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